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About Heather's Wood Craft

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Every time the trailer arrives and dumps piles of wood on the driveway, it feels like Christmas.

For this pick and mix pile of wood is like precious diamonds, leftovers from the local sawmill into beautiful bespoke wooden creations. Find out more about Heather and her creations from a piece in the Evening Express below.

Personalized Approach

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As a self-confessed DIY diehard, it was only a matter of time before Heather found her “happy place” as a wood crafter, a hobby she took up with her friend Val Deans that has now turned into an exciting new venture in the form of “Heather’s Wood Crafts”.

“When the wood gets dumped in my driveway, I have no idea what I’m getting so it’s like Christmas,” said Heather, 50, from Kemnay.

“When I’m sorting through the wood, I get really excited as I’ll find wood for making tables, signs and coasters.

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Whisky Barrels and Staves

Heather, who has worked at the front desk at the Aberdeen Police headquarters for the past 25 years, has not looked back since discovering the joy of wood crafting in her back garden.

“A couple of years ago I got it into my head that I wanted to make some Christmas presents so I picked up some whisky barrels and whisky staves and that’s how it all took off with the crafting side of things,” said Heather.

“My friend Val got in tow and we started making things for craft fayres and from then it’s just snowballed to the point that it’s been made into a business.

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Candle Holders

Using left-over elm and oak wood, Heather started making little candle holders and tea lighters before branching out to specially engraved wooden house signs, garden decorations, glass holders and even memorials for graves.

“It’s very humbling to be trusted to do memorials for graves,” said Heather.

“I’ve also been asked to make a wooden headstone for a lady when the time comes for her.”

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Bespoke Designs

Upcycling scrap wood and seeing the joy and comfort it brings to others has been a source of inspiration to Heather.

“I call it my happy place,” said Heather.

“Every piece of wood is different so some woods can be quite hard to work with while others can be quite easy.

“But when you see the grain coming out during the sanding process and then the oiling and varnishing that can bring smile to your face as you’ll think wow I didn’t think it would turn out like this or it can turn out rubbish and you can start again.”

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Dangerous Hobby

Although Heather finds the wood crafting process cathartic, it can also be dangerous at times.

“People need to be mindful of power tools because they are always in charge, they have a mind of their own” said Heather.

“On one occasion I was cutting a whisky barrel in half using a chainsaw grinder and suddenly it got attached to my trouser leg and it was spinning constantly.

“I was lucky not to lose my leg.

“So that was my first and last major incident with a power tool and I realised yes they’re in charge, I’m just holding the tool.”

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Local Businesses

Since launching her own business on Facebook, Heather has been in demand.

“I made outdoor pods for Café Ahoy at Aberdeen Beach,” said Heather.

“I’ve also created pieces for Maryculter House Hotel and Istana Hair and Beauty in Stonehaven will also be showcasing some of my work as well as Studio One in Banchory, a recently opened craft shop.”

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More Local Businesses

For Heather, one of the best things that has come out of her creative venture is the good friends she has made through the local crafting community.

“The crafting scene is huge,” said Heather.

“I go along to the Banchory crafting market on the last Saturday of every month and it’s the same crowd that goes for the last couple of years.

“We all buy/swap from each others stalls because we all like what each other do.

“I specifically want to thank Gemma Stewart from GS Creative Designs, who puts a lot of work and effort into organising the craft fayres.”

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Follow Your Dreams

Reflecting on how far her business has come, Heather said she couldn’t have got to where she has without her friend Val and the support of her husband Billy, sons Liam 29, and Jordan, 28, alongside her sister Angi.

Asked what advice she would give any budding crafters out there, Heather said: “If people have dreams and ideas, expand them because you just never know where it’s going to lead.

“If you hit brick walls, just get up and start again.”

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Carving out a path to the future, Heather is looking to expand and diversify her offering.

“I’m going to buy a router milling machine so I can turn my hand to something different again,” said Heather.

Contact us here if you would like a creation of your own.

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